Designed exclusively for advanced mountain runners aged 18 and over, this very difficult route challenges even the most experienced. With altitudes exceeding 4,500 metres above sea level, prior acclimatisation is recommended to reduce the risk of altitude sickness. Participants must be prepared to face unpredictable weather changes, technical sections, demanding turns and areas with poor grip. It is essential that each runner assesses their physical and sporting capacity before taking on this challenge. This route includes a time cut of 4:15 hours at kilometre 18 (PAS HOF).
Race start
Marián sports field
Real distance
48 km
Date and time
03/08/25 06:30 am
Maximum time
11:00 H
+2850 m

Runner's kit

Dorsal numbering
Tracking chip
Care services
Race T-Shirt
Mandatory equipment
Windbreaker jacket
Hydration system
Dorsal numbering
Mobile phone
Thermal blanket
Download the runner's guide